Our Legacy
The Caversham Press was the first fine art collaborative private printmaking studio in South Africa and was run by Master Printmaker Malcolm Christian. Malcolm provided his guidance and skill to both professional and emergent artists. Unfortunately the studio is no longer available for printing .
The Caversham Press has always prided itself on the production of fine art limited edition original prints. This is an important factor in the age of mass produced digital productions. All of our prints have been handprinted using age old traditions and we only printed a limited number of prints per edition, and no more! The edition number appears below the image as what appears to be a fraction eg 1/25, this means that the print is number 1 of the edition of 25 prints.
All prints that are printed at The Press have the Caversham Press Chop Mark embossed in the bottom right hand corner. This is Caversham’s fingerprint!